

what is involved in a divorce?

Divorce, or a dissolution of marriage, is a legal process that permanently ends a marriage. If you are considering divorce or are in the process, it is important to get in touch with a lawyer to help guide you through the process and make your next steps less difficult. Divorce can be a stressful and emotional experience, and we want to help.

To obtain a divorce, a couple can either use a mediator or utilize the standard family court process. Resolution of child custody, property division, and spousal support must be solved before a divorce can be finalized.

 In the state of Connecticut, reasonable grounds for divorce must be presented. There are two types of grounds that are available:

-       No fault

-       Fault

No fault grounds for divorce are more commonly filed. No-fault divorce grounds include the marriage having been broken down “irretrievably,” meaning it has no chance of being repaired. Fault-based grounds for divorce include adultery, intolerable cruelty, willful desertion for at least one year, imprisonment for certain crimes, and fraudulent contract.  More information about divorce in the state of CT can be found here: https://www.jud.ct.gov/divorce.htm.

Alternatives to divorce

In the State of Connecticut, a Legal Separation is an alternative to divorce that may better fit a couple at the time.

Legal help during a divorce

A divorce involves many complex legal considerations, so it is important to seek legal help. Our team will guide you through the many steps of the divorce process and help protect your legal, financial, and familial needs.